第408章 唉唉唉
作者:李天庸      更新:2021-06-03 07:12      字數:1475


  1.情態動詞, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should都可與動詞原形連用,如果要表示對現在或將來的推測時,情態動詞的過去式與一般式在含義上並無多大區別,隻是語氣更為婉轉。例如:

  —Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

  —Thank you. It couldn’t be better.(2005江西)

  2. , may, must和動詞的完成時連用,表示對過去發生的行為或存在的狀態進行想象和推測,含義是“可能已經”,“或許已經”,“一定”等。例如:

  —Tom is never late for oday?

  —Something must have happened.(2005江西)

  3.could, might, 則表示本來不必實現而又完成了這樣一種情況。例如:

  —Catherine, I have ed the room for you.

  —Thanks. Youhave do. I could ma myself.(2005福建)

  II. had better, he r和動詞原形連用,表示勸告或主觀上做出選擇。例如:

  —Mum, I think I’m o school.

  —Not really, my dear. You’d better stay home for another day oro.

  III. be going to, be to, be about to, be able to, be likely to, have to, happen to, seem to, appear to, used to, get to等結構的情況極為普遍。例如:

  —I’m going to leave at the end of this month.

  —I don’t think you should do that until you’ve found another job.(2006北京)

  I eleph.

  IV.表示說話及心理狀態的動詞如 say, report, believe, suppose, think, know, sider等的被動結構後麵常接不定式。例如:

  I don’t knoe a good one.

  The nehe manager as soon as she arrives.


  John he river.


  1.謂語是某些表示知覺或感覺的動詞,如 feel, sound, taste, smell, look, seem, appear等。例如:

  —Do you like the material?—Yes. It feels very soft.

  These es taste good.

  2.表示從一種狀態變為另一種狀態的動詞如 be, grourn, fall, go,e, run等。例如:

  — I join your club, Dad?—You older.

  It urning gray.

  3.表示保持某種狀態的動詞,如tinue, remain, keep, stand, sit, lie, stay等。例如:

  Tom kept quiet about the act so as not to lose his job.

  The temperature stayed high this week. br